New co-chairs appointed to further promote CSPCERT work

After the handover of the CSPCERT work to the European Commission on 25 June 2019, one of the main outputs of this Group has been successfully provided.

Upon reaching this milestone, the CSPCERT co-chairs Borja Larrumbide and Helmut Fallmann have decided to resign from their posts, in order to allow new volunteers to step up to support the next steps. The CSPCERT team wishes to thank them for the excellent work they have done, without which the work could not have been delivered.

However, the work of CSPCERT is not yet entirely done. The team still wishes to continue to promote its outputs, support the effective handover to ENISA, and perhaps assist in the correct interpretation and continuation of the work under ENISA’s stewardship.

A vote was held within the CSPCERT team for the election of new co-chairs, representing a varied constituency. Three persons were elected with a majority of the team’s votes:

  • From the supplier category: William Ochs (Cisco)
  • From the user category: Fredrik Hult (EBF)
  • From the neutral expert category: Leire Orue-Echevarria Arrieta (Tecnalia)

We congratulate the new co-chairs with their successful election, and look forward to the next steps!